Four Fleet Maintenance Tips To Follow

Posted on: 1 July 2016

As a service industry professional, your fleet is one of the most important aspects of your business. Consequently, keeping your fleet in good working condition is imperative. As a business owner, you play the most important role in this process.

Keep Detailed Records

Make an effort to keep a detailed service record. This is one of the easiest ways to stay on target with your preventive maintenance schedule and it can also make diagnosing a repair issue easier. Even if it's something as minor as an oil change, the date and location of the service should be documented. It's a good idea to keep a copy of this record in both the vehicle and in a central location within the office for easy access.

Stick With The Same Service Provider

If the fleet service professional has given you excellent service in the past, be a return customer. Bouncing around from location to location is never a good idea. Technicians can somewhat learn your vehicle. If you bring in one of the fleet vehicles for service and the technician recognizes an issue that you might want to address in the future, they will be able to remind you of this when you return. Additionally, some repair centers may extend a discount in exchange for your return business.

Perform Regular Inspections

Vehicle issues are progressive. Problems begin small and quickly spiral into something more involved and costly. Performing regular inspections is a way to avoid this type of mishap. How frequently you perform these inspections is a matter of preference, but a good place to start is with a quick inspection once a week of areas like the tires and oil levels and then a more detailed inspection once a month where you inspect the condition of the battery cables, all fluid levels and the belts.

Assign Responsibility

People sometimes have the habit of treating their own belongings better than they do the property of another person. The reason for this is responsibility. When you assign a level of responsibility regarding the condition of the fleet vehicles to your drivers, the more eager they will be to take care of the vehicle. Make the drivers responsible for staying on top of vehicle maintenance and protecting the vehicle. If there is the risk of penalty for not meeting these goals, they will work harder to meet them.  

Make fleet maintenance a top priority not just for you as the business owner, but also for all members of your team. For more information, visit sites like 
